Be Wary of Advice and Council


There are experts everywhere today. The advent of social media has allowed so many to jump into the “expert pool.” As you look at the experience and background of many if not most of these people, you usually find little to nothing to support the expertise. You will usually find little experience and little if any success. You will often find narcissistic people who have dreams of being “The go to person” but were not willing to put the time and effort into the education and experience to have the background along with the necessary successes and failures to have the expertise.


I believe everyone should utilize mentors, consultants, and coaches who can assist you and guide you in your success journey. I also believe you must have someone who is qualified. Reading a book about a topic or plagiarizing others work, thoughts and experiences to use is a disgrace. Social media has had unintended consequences. The positive of social media is that is has made it much easier for people to get their message out. Unfortunately, it has made it much easier for the wrong people to get false messages out.


Just recently, I have seen examples of sales trainers who have never sold. Sales trainers with a total of two years of experience with average results. I have seen management experts who never managed! I have seen a ton of social media experts who are now social media experts only because they use social media.


I would advise anyone seeking guidance, coaching and ways to improve to look for substance. Charlatans are everywhere willing to sell you false expertise. This is fraud and theft, plain and simple!


“Be wary of advice and counsel”