Happy New Year!


So, you made some New Year’s Eve Resolutions and commitments — now what? If you want different results than everyone else, you need to not only discover blocks you have, but also understand them and rewrite your story. Otherwise, you will fail and fail quickly.


On New Year’s Eve, everybody has HOPE – Having Optimistic Predictions and Emotions. HOPE is a great principle in life but a horrible strategy.


You are where you are because you are comfortable being there. Until you have enough discomfort, you will not have enough leverage to take action. Beware, though, once you take action things will get tough and challenging. It is at this moment that you must understand your story.


Ask yourself: What is my story? What is the story I keep telling myself that allows me to stay where I am right now?


You have some pretty strong beliefs about yourself which makes your story hard to give up. You may have had help with the plot from some people you love and trust but every part of the plot that does not support you moving forward is all just “make believe.” The plot is no more real than a fairy tale until you give it life and allow it to be. The same is true of where you want to be. It’s a fairy tale as well until you allow yourself to live it.


You must accept that you are where you are in your life because of choice. Every limiting belief and every limiting thought is nothing akin to comfort food. It makes you temporarily feel better, but in the long run it does not make you permanently better. A person can find comfort in bad as well as good. You can allow yourself to become a victim to your story or become a victor in your story. It’s your choice. The choice will create either a very happy or a very sad New Year!


Cheers to making great choices!


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